You are devastated and have no idea what to do next. You secretly start blaming yourself, wondering if it was anything you could have done differently to stop it. Your girlfriends rally around you in support. One asks you if would like her cousin Day Day to "take care of" your mate. Another one begins to tell you that you will be fine because her mate cheated on her 12 times last year, (but she only mentioned once) and she is doing just fine. (she takes a pharmacy full of anti depressants). Lastly, your other girl is storming around your home gathering his things screaming about a garage sale she's planning for this Saturday. You feel like your life is in shambles spiraling out of control. You ask yourself, "why me"? "I trusted him", you tell yourself. "What in the world do I do now"?
Does this sound familiar? Have you or anyone you know ever experienced something like this?
Unfortunately, this is an all too common scenario. No one can control anybody else or their actions, but we can stay alert for any signs that our man may be thinking about cheating. The key is that when you see the signs, do not ignore them. It's better to be proactive in this type of situation than to try to play "clean up" when or if it happens.
Firstly, cheating is not just about intercourse. It is being hugged up on the phone, talking and flirting, texting or emailing someone that would consider sleeping with you. It's feeding any type of attraction physical or emotional for anyone else besides your mate. Your mate could mean your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend. Anyone were a commitment is made. Let's take a look at some signs that will alert you if your man ever starts thinking about straying.
***SEX LIFE GOES DOWN- Nobody can have sex 24/7 like it's their job, (unless it is) but be familiar with YOUR sex cycle. If you usually have sex twice a week and now you're down to once every two weeks, then you know there is an issue brewing somewhere. Check it out!
***HUSH HUSH BEHAVIOR- He is in the basement in the storage room near the Christmas tree behind the bubble wrap whispering on the phone. He's spending a lot of time out in the garage on his phone. He carries his phone everywhere he goes even if he is home. He walks around with it clipped on his boxers and takes it in the bathroom when he is showering.
***UNEXPLAINED ABSCENCES-He starts breaking his normal routine. If he usually gets home from work by 5:00, now he is coming in at 6:30 and then later and later. When you ask him where he's been he gives you explanations like, "I had to drop off a co-worker" or "I stopped off at the store" or "I ran into my boy Slick and we kicked it" (but you've never heard of his boy Slick)
***CONTSTANT STORE RUNS- This is popular especially on the days that the two of you are supposed to be home chilling all day. He runs to the store for milk, then back for bread. then back for chips, then back for pop. ( you get the picture)
***MORE TIME ON FACEBOOK- He is spending an exuberant amount of time on social media.
***HE STARTS TO TAKE MORE CARE WITH HIS APPERANCE- This is a sign that somebody told him he was cute or he is trying to attract someone's attention that he thinks is cute.
These are some warning signs that may help you catch a "Would Be" cheating partner before anything goes down. Maybe your dude wants more attention from you, or maybe he feels under appreciated. No, we can't blame ourselves for what our other halves may do, but we can stay aware that they are human beings and have needs. We must stay mindful of the time that we share with our mates and should try to ensure that they are happy. This goes both ways. Women for men and men for women. Relationships are difficult enough to keep running smoothly without an extra person getting into the mix. For more info on love & relationships, stay tuned in to GLS
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