***STOP LIVING IN THE PAST-All of us have a certain amount of baggage that we shift around from one relationship to the next. Maybe you were cheated on. Maybe you were lied to. Whatever the case, you've moved on learning from your mistakes and experiences. However, learning from your mistakes does not mean never trusting again. When you do this you automatically cut yourself off from any future happiness that is waiting for you. You gotta keep telling yourself that "that was then and this is now". Every new person deserves a new chance. You can't blame a person for the mistakes of others. You also don't want to wait around as if waiting for a person's downfall. You could be enjoying yourself instead of wasting time on a worry that could clearly never happen.
***DON'T ASSUME THINGS- When you start assuming things you are opening up your mind to a wild imagination. Next thing you know, you've created a whole scenario that is totally made up by you (false). Women tend to take the lead on this one, HOWEVER, not to blame the man but sometimes men just do not give up enough information. A lot of times men get irritated when a woman asks questions, but in turn will complain when she's spent an endless amount of time formulating a huge story in her mind that he will call ridiculous. Men, do yourselves a favor and allow your woman to ask questions. Nobody is trying to put you on the witness stand but she asks questions because she is interested in you. She's not nosey or don't say she asks stupid questions. Don't assume she can read your mind or that she knows already. Your best bet is to answer her questions then instead of waiting until she's derived her own story. It's a perfect way to keep the peace.
***COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER- I once knew a guy who used to say, "Aint nothing like a good understanding". These are words to live by. When you have an understanding with each other, it kicks assumptions out the door, it chokes out imaginary stories and it TKO's accusations. It leaves nothing to the unknown, therefore leaving nothing to be insecure about. You run into your ex boyfriend in the mall but you fail to mention it to your mate, but then your 5yr old happens to tell him. Right, you get the idea. it's just not worth all the hassle of keeping secrets.
***DON'T BE NEGATIVE- Some people are filled with "What If's". "What if this happens?" "What
if that happens?" You can't possibly enjoy the present if you constantly worry about the future. I used to be guilty of that. I would be so consumed with "What If's" that I didn't realize that the good times in my relationship were passing me by. It wasn't until things got tough that I looked back and thought, "Wow", things were good back then. Thinking positive is a choice!
***DO NOT SABOTAGE- Some people are just comfortable with being uncomfortable. I had a friend like that. No matter how good his current relationship was, he would always go back and try to kick it with one of his ex girlfriends. He would whine and complain about getting a good woman, but shortly after he would get one, like clock work, he would go chasing after one of his exes. I just came to the conclusion that he was afraid to be happy. He couldn't handle it. Unfortunately, happiness was just not a good place for him. He allowed his fear (insecurities) to turn in to paranoia which kept him from being in a happy relationship. Don't sabotage your good relationship because of your fears. You will never get to experience joy to it's fullest because you will never give yourself a chance.
At the end of the day, no insecurity holds enough weight for you to give up on enjoying life. Your past, other people's experiences, what may happen in your future, it all does not matter. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Don't let your past predict your future. For more info about insecurities and relationships, stay tuned in to GLS.
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