Over the last several years we've been hearing that the #1 cause of break ups have changed from money to social media. Social Media has swept across the world from Africa to the United States to Central America to the UK. It is almost no place that you can think of or travel to that social media has not touched. People are now being able to stay in touch with long lost relatives, elementary school friends, army buddies and folks they've served prison time with. It's almost impossible to stay anonymous now a days. This is the way the world is changing. Some people say that this is great for technology, however, other people say that it is horrible for relationships. Social media does have good attributes. Not only is it useful for staying in touch with loved ones, you can also promote your business, spread public awareness announcements and the authorities even use it to locate fugitive criminals. On the flip side, it can reek havoc on your love life, BUT only if you allow it to. You are the over seer of your Facebook, twitter, you tube and email accounts. You make decisions about who you contact and how you respond to whoever contacts you which brings us to the topic of "Couple Privacy".

When you are in a relationship, whether married or living together, privacy means going to the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. It doesn't mean putting passcodes on your cellphone, email, facebook and twitter accounts that your mate cannot know about. It also does not mean making up fake pages, alternate email accounts or using a spare cellphone when your mate is not around. These are the kind of actions that destroy a relationship, not necessarily engaging in social media. This type of privacy reminds me of my teenage son that once complained about not having a lock on "his" bedroom door. I quickly reminded him that it wasn't "his" room to begin with because he was a guest in "my" home and that I would allow him to reside there as long as he respected the rules of my house. Being my house, it was no need for locks on any doors except for the bathrooms and my bedroom. Coincidently, it's no such thing as "couple privacy". It is however a such thing as trust. It is another thing called respect. It's also one other thing called honesty. Nobody ever thought about privacy until social media and the web made its big splash. Think about it, back in the day when we were children, way before cell phones, way before social media and way before the web, what type of privacy existed between our parents? Like I said, their privacy consisted of using the restroom. No, they weren't in there on the toilet texting another woman or man. Why should we allow technology to interfere with our relationships? It doesn't have to be this way. The way to safeguard your relationship against the social woes that can threaten the happiness of your household is to get back to basics. We should not be married or living with someone that at any moment we couldn't share our passcodes to any of our social media, cellphones or email accounts. I know some folks are on their way to the emergency room for chest pains right now from the words that I just spoke, but hear me out. If you love your mate and are building or have built a loving relationship, why open it up to unnecessary temptations? This keeps a check and balance on the part of both mates. If you know that your mate can access your facebook messages, then maybe you won't be so quick to be chopping it up with your 8th grade girlfriend and now you're 40. If you know that your mate has access to your web account then maybe you won't be on eharmony, matchmaker.com or back page looking for some action. We can't change technology nor can we change what other people do, but we can guard and protect ourselves against it. This doesn't mean that just because you can access your mate's accounts that you should launch a full fledge investigation when she leaves the house. Honesty, trust and respect should remain the cornerstones of your relationship. This is just a small Jedi mind trick. Just knowing in the back of your mind that your mate can gain access to your accounts means you won't do anything that will hurt your mate or destroy the trust that the two of you worked so hard to build. This is cool for during those times when things get tough at home and maybe you're not seeing eye to eye. Instead of you talking to your facebook friends or tweeting, you will talk to your mate about it to get things resolved.

To ensure that you and your partner are on the same page, this should be discussed before marriage and or before the two of you move in together. This narrows down a lot of confusion for the long run. It shouldn't be an issue if the two of you have nothing to hide. It's no need to answer your girl's phone to tell her ex to beat it or its not necessary to get on your man's page to status that you are his main bit** now. Remember trust is the key to any relationship. Its not about making your mate feel like a child or controlling her. It's about safeguarding your relationship against today's temptations. It takes a mature couple to know how to keep their relationship running smoothly. Do what works for you. For more info on how to succeed in today's relationships, stay tuned in to GLS.
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