Saturday, August 9, 2014


It burns me up when I hear about a woman chasing a man! All I hear is “Gracie, he won’t spend any time with me”. “Gracie, he hardly calls me nowadays”. “Gracie, he doesn’t plan dates or outings for us any more”.  My answer to all these complaints is to simply STOP CHASING HIM!!!!

The thing is, we are all animals. We are just the human being species. Men are the hunters and women are the nurturers. I’m not talking about the roles we play in society. Yes, women bring home the bacon too but what I’m talking about is human nature, Animalistic Human Nature. Men like to do the
 pursuing. They like to be the initiators and the aggressors. It makes their blood boil to chase and go after us women, makes ‘em feel alive and invigorated! It fulfills an innate yearning inside them. They love it!

Nothing is more satisfying to a man than to work hard to accomplish a goal and the end result is “to nail it”!!  Well that’s how men feel about going after us. They wanna work to get us then win the prize.  Men love to win and they don’t mind putting in the effort to do so.  BUT BUT BUT… when WE chase them we become just another piece of a##. Are you a Prize or Piece? When you chase a dog it runs, well the same thing for a man, when we chase men they run too. That”s why he’s not spending time with you, planning dates with you or calling you. When women do the chasing it takes all the fun and competitiveness out of it. Men are natural born thrill seekers. Stop blowing the man up. Find something to do with your time that benefits you. Take a class or take up a hobby. Spend special time with your kids. Quit texting him too. That’s chasing also. Let the dude breathe. Give him time to miss you. Every time he turns around his notification light and ringtone are going off. CUT IT OUT! PLEASE don’t show up at his job or where he hangs out with his boys acting like you were just in the neighborhood.  He can see that BS a mile away. ALL THESE THINGS ARE TURN OFFS FOR YOUR MAN. If you wanna find out what will turn your man on, stay tuned in to GLS...

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