Friday, August 29, 2014


Part 3 Section 3 Meeting Men...(See Part 3 Section 1 & 2 Classy vs. Trashy and Well Maintained vs.
Unkempt- hoodrat)

We covered Classy vs. Trashy which told us about our style of dress. We covered Well Maintained vs. Unkempt-( hoodrat) which talked about the appearance of our hair and nails. Now we are
continuing on to Intelligent vs. Ignorant which will explain how men judge us on the way we speak and conduct ourselves. Again, these are examples of how men view women when they first see and meet us. These are not my views. Let's take a look at Intelligent vs. Ignorant:

An INTELLIGENT woman speaks clearly. She annunciates and pronunciates  her words well. She speaks in complete sentences and uses words in the correct context. She is upbeat and speaks with confidence. She is not afraid to disagree with a man because she knows her opinion is just as important as his. She smiles a lot, which grabs his attention and makes him want to get to know her better. A man would easily think, "She may be a keeper because I can take her around my family without feeling
embarrassed". She is pretty much up on current events. No, ladies you do not have to be a rocket
scientist but you may want to know who the current President is and what happened in Ferguson,
Missouri. Her spirit is care-free, but she appears to be in complete control of herself. She carries herself with the upmost respect, which quietly demands respect from others around her. These characteristics contribute to a man's perception of an intelligent woman.

An IGNORANT woman speaks as if she is the newest character on the hit cartoon series,  The Boon Docks. Ebonics is her first language. She speaks so much slang that a man would need an interpreter  to understand her. She curses so much that she would put a Kat Williams stand-up routine to shame. She smacks on her lips while talking and pulling on her weave saying, YASSSS just to agree with him. She may have no idea what he's talking about but she is willing to discount her opinion for his. An ignorant woman asks questions like, "You wanna smoke one?" or "Do you have any smoke?" or "Do you know where I can get some smoke?", just hoping that the man will offer up some or at least offer to buy it. These are questions she asks him when they first meet. An ignorant woman gives a man a lap dance when they first meet, but they are not in a strip club, nor is she a stripper. She twerks to the hottest CD at the gas station while pumping her gas to get his attention. When she mentions her children he quickly changes the subject or suddenly he has business that he needs to go take care of. She walks through the Mall talking loudly on her cellphone about her sexcapades from the night before. She could be heard walking while past Foot Locker saying, "Ooooo... girl you shoulda seen the size of his di##!" She sits in church and gossips the whole service to her neighbor about the gay choir director. She doesn't meet his family. She doesn't even meet his friends. She has no idea that she is nothing more than his entertainment. He stamped her with an expiration date from the moment he met her. Ladies, these are some of the things that men disclosed about us. I felt some kind of way just listening to their bluntness, but I was grateful for it. Knowing is half the battle You and your girls may think its ok, and yes it is if you're looking for short term. The guys say they overlook these types of females for long term relationships. Every now and again, a man may look past some of these things and allow himself to get to know the real you. Unfortunately, it's not often enough. Stay tuned in to the Two out of Three rule, next on GLS. 


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