Over the last several years we've been hearing that the #1 cause of break ups have changed from money to social media. Social Media has swept across the world from Africa to the United States to Central America to the UK. It is almost no place that you can think of or travel to that social media has not touched. People are now being able to stay in touch with long lost relatives, elementary school friends, army buddies and folks they've served prison time with. It's almost impossible to stay anonymous now a days. This is the way the world is changing. Some people say that this is great for technology, however, other people say that it is horrible for relationships. Social media does have good attributes. Not only is it useful for staying in touch with loved ones, you can also promote your business, spread public awareness announcements and the authorities even use it to locate fugitive criminals. On the flip side, it can reek havoc on your love life, BUT only if you allow it to. You are the over seer of your Facebook, twitter, you tube and email accounts. You make decisions about who you contact and how you respond to whoever contacts you which brings us to the topic of "Couple Privacy".
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Want your relationship to have a fairy tale ending? Wouldn't you love for your man to adore you? How about enjoy your company? What if your relationship became the envy of all of your friends? Could this be possible? The answer is YES!!! The key to having a lasting loving relationship is the EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT that you share with your man. An emotional attachment is the glue that holds a relationship together. This reaches far beyond physical attraction and sex. It has nothing to do with social or financial status. An emotional attachment is not something you can see, hear, smell or touch. It is something that you feel from the depths of your heart. It's a tug or pulling of the heart that draws a woman to a man. Aren't you tired of being the one that's pulling your relationship over the finish line? Do yourself a favor, level the playing field by allowing your guy to develop an emotional attachment with you. When an emotional attachment is present in your relationship you will find your man striving for the same happiness that you hope to achieve.
Let's discuss ways to develop a closer and more loving relationship.
***LOVE YOURSELF- This one seems like a no brainer because we all know that if we don't love ourselves, it's difficult for anyone else to. Loving yourself is more than just saying, "I love me". It's actually being kind to yourself. When you really love yourself, you give off a confident vibe which is sexy and attractive. When you love yourself it makes it easy for someone else to love you because you are lovable. It also allows you to open up to be "real" in the presence of a man, therefore he is getting the real you, the whole you and nothing but you. I'm not talking about hair and nails; that's superficial. I'm talking about your real personality. That's what's important. That's what counts.
***MAKE YOUR STANDARDS KNOWN- Let the standards that you set up for yourself be known. Men like a woman with standards. You don't have to whip out a 10 COMMANDMENT tablet with demands, but during the course of conversations you do want to tell him your hopes, dreams, goals and deal breakers. These equal your Standards. Make mention what you are looking for if you ever meet the "right" guy.
***DO NOT APPEAR DESPERATE- Men claim to be able to spot a desperate woman from a mile away. Anybody that appears desperate either male or female is a turn off. Be cautious of your choice of words because men will take those words to have a totally different meaning. If you say, "I love your muscles", what he hears is, "I wanna rub my hands up and down your naked body". I know this sounds extreme, but trust me, it doesn't take much for a man to think that a woman is on his jock, which equals: She's DESPERATE so RUN!! A better choice of words would be, "You look like you're in great shape". He will be grateful for the compliment and will proceed to give you some fitness tips, which could even lead to another date #the gym or a walk in the park.
***HOLD OFF ON THE SEX- If it's not too late, do yourself a favor and hold off on the sex, especially if he hasn't gotten to really know you. If he doesn't really know you he can't possibly have created an emotional bond with you. I understand that hormones and attraction are running high, but when you start having sex with a man it clouds your judgment. You could become extra sensitive about every little thing which could put a damper on a budding relationship. He becomes really laid back and goes into chill mode. You're suddenly angry because he didn't mention that he was hanging out with his boys while you sat at home waiting by the phone for him to call or text you. If you're not sleeping with him, this type of situation is kept in perspective.
***HAVE FUN- Enjoy yourself. Laugh. Crack jokes. Nobody wants to hang out with a dud. Let your hair down. Show off your goofy side. It's attractive.
Let's discuss ways to develop a closer and more loving relationship.
***LOVE YOURSELF- This one seems like a no brainer because we all know that if we don't love ourselves, it's difficult for anyone else to. Loving yourself is more than just saying, "I love me". It's actually being kind to yourself. When you really love yourself, you give off a confident vibe which is sexy and attractive. When you love yourself it makes it easy for someone else to love you because you are lovable. It also allows you to open up to be "real" in the presence of a man, therefore he is getting the real you, the whole you and nothing but you. I'm not talking about hair and nails; that's superficial. I'm talking about your real personality. That's what's important. That's what counts.
***MAKE YOUR STANDARDS KNOWN- Let the standards that you set up for yourself be known. Men like a woman with standards. You don't have to whip out a 10 COMMANDMENT tablet with demands, but during the course of conversations you do want to tell him your hopes, dreams, goals and deal breakers. These equal your Standards. Make mention what you are looking for if you ever meet the "right" guy.
***TREAT HIM AS A FRIEND- When you are just friends it takes the edge off of dating. You let your guard down and are free to be whoever you are. This gives him a signal that he can relax as well. It's no pressure to impress each other. You know how much fun you can have with your girlfriends, right? Well, you want to have that same good time with him. Just like any other fun activity; you can't wait to get back to it. Translation: he'll be excited to see you again.
***BE FEMININE- Femininity is a gift! A lot of women are not aware of it's energy. It is a woman's power source. It stands alone. It separates women from men. It is our "Umph" as women. It gives us our edge. There is no man alive that can guard against it. It is their Cryptonite! Why do you think some gay men copy it to the 10th power? Have you ever seen a flaming gay man? He is always the most feminine person in the room. He takes women's natural gift and makes it his own. Even he knows that this is the main power in attracting men. Femininity is sugar & spice and everything nice. Use it to your advantage. It is your natural born right as a woman.
These are some steps to building an emotional bond. If you are already in a relationship you can tweak the steps to fit your circumstance. It is never too late to makeover your relationship to strengthen your bond. If you are already cozy in a relationship, be careful not to constantly complain or nag. Those are like what RAID bug spray does to bugs to men's attraction. Try to encourage your guy in a loving and supportive way. Tell him that you appreciate the things that he does for you. Be specific. This will perk him up and make him not only want to be around you, but will also make him want to do even more nice things for you. For more info on emotional attachment in relationships, stay tuned in to GLS
Friday, September 19, 2014
Most of us have heard Ty Dolla Sign's song "Paranoid". Ty raps about two of his chicks in the club and they know about each other. He goes on to say that maybe he is just paranoid because he thinks that they may be trying to set him up. This scenario is more common and wide spread than we care to believe. A lot of men now days are living double lives. The women that they are in relationships with know about each other and accept it. Hold on, don't flip, I said that they accept it but I didn't say that they liked it. Some women feel trapped by the love she feels for the guy. Other women feel as though she'll be damned before she allows that other chick to have him. Whatever the case, neither one of the women leaves. They choose to ignore it as if it will magically go away on its own. This type of relationship can go on for years. I'm not talking about married men with mistresses, I'm talking about a single man carrying on a full relationship with two ladies. A lot of the times he resides with one of them. Sometimes he lives with both of them. Yes, he will spend some nights with one and spend some nights with the other. His friends and family know about both women and make bets on which one he will bring to which family function or event. I need you to understand that these relationships are not flings. They are both full fledged official relationships.
I'm sure some men are slapping fives and popping bottles to this, but check out what it does to the women. It's a no win situation for them. I know first hand, I experienced it, and this is my story:
His name was Chance. Our families knew each other for many years. The thought of us getting together was never in existence. We both grew older and lost contact with one another. We bumped into each other in the neighborhood and exchanged numbers to catch up. Chance was all grown up now and so was I , but he wasn't my type. At the time I was on the verge of ending a dead end relationship with a womanizer that I had been dating for about a year. Chance was there to hear all about it. He called me everyday just to kick it and I found myself looking forward to his call. I enjoyed his conversations; we never ran out of things to talk about. We had things in common and made plans to make money together. Once, we even talked on the phone for 12 hours straight! It's like he attended class to learn exactly what to say to me. The dude was on point. Needless to say, I ended it with the womanizer and Chance was there to lick my wounds. We were inseparable for two year and I was in love. He was a street guy and was hardly home. He would call and text all the time so it didn't bother me too much. As time progressed he started coming in later and later and stopped answering my calls at night. He would always have some grandiose excuse when he arrived home. I was fed up so late one night I jumped in my car to do some investigating. I rode by his parents house and there was a strange car parked in the driveway. He mentioned that his parents were going out of town for a week and they wanted him to check on their home. I knocked on the door and his brother answered it just to tell me he wasn't there. I didn't buy that so I walked past Bro right up in the house to catch him with a chicken head. I told her that I was his girlfriend and we lived together. We split up for 3 months, but got back together after a bunch of promises for change. We were happy again for a while until his suspicious behavior began again. Then out of the clear blue sky I get a phone call from an acquaintance letting me know that my boyfriend is living a double life yet again with the same girl. We split up once again for another 3 months, only to get back together. This time around it didn't take long for me to find out that not only was my boyfriend still seeing the same girl while he was with me, she was also expecting their child. Here he was living with me, while she was on the other side of town pregnant with his child. She knew about me just like I knew about her but either one of us wanted to leave him. I was devastated when I found out about her pregnancy. I immediately washed my hands of him. I was with him for 2 years before her and I found out about each other. I stayed with him for another 2 years after knowing about his involvement with her.
Instead of me leaving him, I kept asking him why he wouldn't leave her alone for me.

I shared my story because I want women that are in this situation to know that they aren't alone. I want women to know that none of the women in this type of situation wins. It destroys your self-esteem completely. It makes you paranoid. You're constantly second guessing yourself wondering, "What is wrong with me?" "Why aren't I enough for him?" "Am I too fat?" "Am I boring?" "Maybe if I had a bigger booty"... Questions like these attack your mind and take over your peace. You don't sleep well because you're always worried about him and her. What he's doing for her. How much money he is spending on her. What he is not doing for you. You lose yourself so much into him and to these thoughts that you eventually become depressed and reclusive. Don't allow this cycle to continue. He is not worth your happiness and peace of mind. The only person that he truly gives a damn about is himself. Don't be fooled. For more info on men sharing stay tuned in to GLS.
I'm sure some men are slapping fives and popping bottles to this, but check out what it does to the women. It's a no win situation for them. I know first hand, I experienced it, and this is my story:
His name was Chance. Our families knew each other for many years. The thought of us getting together was never in existence. We both grew older and lost contact with one another. We bumped into each other in the neighborhood and exchanged numbers to catch up. Chance was all grown up now and so was I , but he wasn't my type. At the time I was on the verge of ending a dead end relationship with a womanizer that I had been dating for about a year. Chance was there to hear all about it. He called me everyday just to kick it and I found myself looking forward to his call. I enjoyed his conversations; we never ran out of things to talk about. We had things in common and made plans to make money together. Once, we even talked on the phone for 12 hours straight! It's like he attended class to learn exactly what to say to me. The dude was on point. Needless to say, I ended it with the womanizer and Chance was there to lick my wounds. We were inseparable for two year and I was in love. He was a street guy and was hardly home. He would call and text all the time so it didn't bother me too much. As time progressed he started coming in later and later and stopped answering my calls at night. He would always have some grandiose excuse when he arrived home. I was fed up so late one night I jumped in my car to do some investigating. I rode by his parents house and there was a strange car parked in the driveway. He mentioned that his parents were going out of town for a week and they wanted him to check on their home. I knocked on the door and his brother answered it just to tell me he wasn't there. I didn't buy that so I walked past Bro right up in the house to catch him with a chicken head. I told her that I was his girlfriend and we lived together. We split up for 3 months, but got back together after a bunch of promises for change. We were happy again for a while until his suspicious behavior began again. Then out of the clear blue sky I get a phone call from an acquaintance letting me know that my boyfriend is living a double life yet again with the same girl. We split up once again for another 3 months, only to get back together. This time around it didn't take long for me to find out that not only was my boyfriend still seeing the same girl while he was with me, she was also expecting their child. Here he was living with me, while she was on the other side of town pregnant with his child. She knew about me just like I knew about her but either one of us wanted to leave him. I was devastated when I found out about her pregnancy. I immediately washed my hands of him. I was with him for 2 years before her and I found out about each other. I stayed with him for another 2 years after knowing about his involvement with her.
Instead of me leaving him, I kept asking him why he wouldn't leave her alone for me.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
You've met a good guy with great qualities. He's nice, funny and handsome. The best part about him is, THE SEX IS AMAZING! You couldn't ask for a better sex partner. The two of you take Janet Jackson's song, "Anytime, Anyplace" to a whole nother level. Your greatest sexcapades go from the drive in movie theater to a stall in the women's restroom at the hottest dance club downtown (and that's the night you met). You once almost got caught by the police late one night parked out on a residential street near your home. Thank goodness you had on a skirt. The two of you have been sleeping together for about a year now, but you knew it was love at first sight. The relationship moved really fast and you wanted to be his every sexual fantasy. Every time you see him you put it on him until he taps out. This is when he tells you how much he loves you. Your dates usually consist of staying home because your boyfriend loves to watch TV, and besides that, he can hardly keep his hands off of you. He promises to take you out to dinner to that fancy restaurant you've been hearing about when he get's some free time. You patiently wait because he loves you and you're sure he will take you sooner or later. Until then, you don't mind eating pizza or Chinese food when he comes over. It doesn't matter anyway, cause the night always ends with mind-blowing sex or you treat him too some of your oral delight. You can hardly contain yourself every time you see a jewelry commercial, because you know he's gonna pop the question any day now. Does this sound like your relationship? If it does, then it sounds like your relationship is Purely Sexual only. How can this be, because he tells you he loves you? Let's take a look at how men and women view sex:
Men look at sex as a physical act. They view it as something like a workout, yes, a fun workout. Men can separate feelings (emotion) from sex. It's not that men can't feel emotion. They feel emotion just as women do, but they can control their emotion when it comes to sex. It can be the best sex he's ever experienced, but if he is not emotionally attached to the woman, she will just be noted as a great sex partner. On the flipside, women tend to allow their emotions to run free when it comes sex, especially good sex. More often times than not, if a woman is sleeping with a man, she is in or hoping for a relationship with him. I'm not talking about one night stands or chicks looking to get paid. I'm talking about an average single woman that is regularly sleeping with a man. However, a man can be regularly sleeping with a woman, and she still is nothing but a cool sex partner. This is disheartening for a lot of women because a woman will put her heart and soul into a man and he may never love her the way she is expecting.
If you are sleeping with a man and he knows nothing about you personally, such as your favorite color, your favorite singer, how many sisters and brothers you have or your last name; chances are it's strictly for the booty. If you are sleeping with a guy and he never makes good on taking you out on a real date; chances are it's just for the booty. If you are sleeping with a dude and he is vague about his personal life; chances are it's strictly for the booty. If you are sleeping with a man and he is not interested in who else you're sleeping with; chances are it's just for the booty.
Quite a few women find themselves in relationships like this. A man will not end this relationship. A woman can say all day long, "If you don't love me, please walk away", and the man will be right back in her bed the next night. He may care for the woman, but most times it's not the same way she loves him. This cycle will continue until the woman finally realizes that she is never going to receive the type of love she is looking for from the man or he somehow leaves her for another relationship. Emotional attachment is the key to a lasting loving relationship with a man. Sex is not enough. For more info on sex & love, stay tuned in to GLS

Men look at sex as a physical act. They view it as something like a workout, yes, a fun workout. Men can separate feelings (emotion) from sex. It's not that men can't feel emotion. They feel emotion just as women do, but they can control their emotion when it comes to sex. It can be the best sex he's ever experienced, but if he is not emotionally attached to the woman, she will just be noted as a great sex partner. On the flipside, women tend to allow their emotions to run free when it comes sex, especially good sex. More often times than not, if a woman is sleeping with a man, she is in or hoping for a relationship with him. I'm not talking about one night stands or chicks looking to get paid. I'm talking about an average single woman that is regularly sleeping with a man. However, a man can be regularly sleeping with a woman, and she still is nothing but a cool sex partner. This is disheartening for a lot of women because a woman will put her heart and soul into a man and he may never love her the way she is expecting.
If you are sleeping with a man and he knows nothing about you personally, such as your favorite color, your favorite singer, how many sisters and brothers you have or your last name; chances are it's strictly for the booty. If you are sleeping with a guy and he never makes good on taking you out on a real date; chances are it's just for the booty. If you are sleeping with a dude and he is vague about his personal life; chances are it's strictly for the booty. If you are sleeping with a man and he is not interested in who else you're sleeping with; chances are it's just for the booty.
Quite a few women find themselves in relationships like this. A man will not end this relationship. A woman can say all day long, "If you don't love me, please walk away", and the man will be right back in her bed the next night. He may care for the woman, but most times it's not the same way she loves him. This cycle will continue until the woman finally realizes that she is never going to receive the type of love she is looking for from the man or he somehow leaves her for another relationship. Emotional attachment is the key to a lasting loving relationship with a man. Sex is not enough. For more info on sex & love, stay tuned in to GLS
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
As we already know this week is dedicated to men. Men want to know what's going on in the minds of women. Some men think that women are complicated creatures. Other men believe that women are hard to please. A few men even think that they will never understand women so they don't even try. Gracie Love Strategies would like to make things a little easier for men by telling them some of the most Crucial things that women look for in men. We aren't talking about attraction here. What we are talking about is what women need to be Happy, Content and Satisfied with their men for the long haul.
The easiest part of a relationship is getting together. You get dressed up and smelling good to attract the ladies. You flash around a couple dollars hoping to reel em' in. The thing is, once you lock her down, you get stuck like Chuck having no clue what to do with her. Gracie created this list to help you wisen up on what women are looking for in a man. It may not be what you think. These affirmations come straight from the mouths of every day life women. Listen carefully to what they're saying because like the saying goes, "Happy Wife, Happy Life".
--FOR HIM TO MAKE HER A PRIORITY IN HIS LIFE- She needs to feel important to him.
her back, he will take care of things (not necessarily money).
--HE IS NOT SELFISH WITH HER- His car (doesn't count if she's a crash dummy), his money,
his time.
--HE REALLY LISTENS TO HER CARES AND CONCERNS--She's not asking him for solutions
all of the time, just to listen
--HE COMPLIMENTS HER- Her hair, her eyes, her walk, her cooking, her intelligence,
anything will do, just compliment away
--TO TREAT HER LIKE A QUEEN-- His queen, with love & respect, be a gentleman
--HE VALUES & TRUSTS HER OPINION-- He consults with her concerning important issues
because he trusts her advice
--HIS COMPANIONSHIP--Enjoys her company, has a sense of humor, spending time with her
without complaining
--FOR HIM TO EXPRESS HIMSELF--She needs him to open up to her to reveal his true self, she
wants him to show her the side of him that the outside world doesn't see, she wants him to take his
"Macho coat" off around her and let his hair down.
If you follow this 10 request road map that women have laid out for you, you will definitely increase your chances of a happier more fulfilling relationship. For more info on relationships or what woman want, stay tuned in to GLS. If you have a relationship question for Gracie, send her a message.
Monday, September 8, 2014
We've been discussing ladies issues for weeks so we thought it was time to show the fellas some LOVE. Guys, how many times have you dated a woman but you couldn't tell if she was into you or not? Men have the same relationship woes as women. Some women feel as though because you are a man that: you rate as a Superhero (you can kick anyone's ass including Floyd Mayweather), you are Christ like (you automatically turn the other cheek), you are an ATM (you have countless amount of cash),and you are R2D2 (you are a robot with no feelings). These assumptions are just as unfair as the labels men put on women based upon the way they dress or how they look. Unfortunately, this is a part of society that we all contend with on a daily basis. Knowledge is the only way to close the gap. When we know better, we can do better.
How many times have you kicked it with a woman, but had no clue if she was feeling you? How many times have you dumped a woman because you thought she didn't like you? Then you hear through the grapevine that she really did like you, but now she has a boyfriend. How many times have you cashed out on a woman just to find out that she has another man stashed somewhere, but all the while you thought she was yours? Never Fear! Gracie Love has your back! Gracie compiled a list to help you recognize the real from the fakes... SHE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU IF...
--SHE MAKES UP EXCUSES NOT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU (my dog ate my homework, my daughter has a stomach ache, I'm too tired, I don't hang out, you called me too late, you called me too early, the news said it was going to rain, my hair isn't done, I have nothing to wear, my kids don't like strangers dating me, my mother is sick, I don't have time for a relationship. If you keep hearing these over and over, Move On!
--YOU'VE BEEN SEEING HER FOR A WHILE AND HER CONVERSATION IS SHORT WHEN SHE IS WITH YOU (fellas this doesn't count if you've made her mad at you or she may be shy)
--SHE BARELY LAUGHS AT ANY OF YOUR JOKES (but you know you are funnier than Kevin Hart)
This list should help guide you to recognize when it is time to move on. Don't be so quick to trust a big butt and a smile. She could be "POISON". Pay attention to these things as they could save you a lot of time & money. For more info on love & relationships, stay tuned in to GLS
How many times have you kicked it with a woman, but had no clue if she was feeling you? How many times have you dumped a woman because you thought she didn't like you? Then you hear through the grapevine that she really did like you, but now she has a boyfriend. How many times have you cashed out on a woman just to find out that she has another man stashed somewhere, but all the while you thought she was yours? Never Fear! Gracie Love has your back! Gracie compiled a list to help you recognize the real from the fakes... SHE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU IF...
--SHE MAKES UP EXCUSES NOT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU (my dog ate my homework, my daughter has a stomach ache, I'm too tired, I don't hang out, you called me too late, you called me too early, the news said it was going to rain, my hair isn't done, I have nothing to wear, my kids don't like strangers dating me, my mother is sick, I don't have time for a relationship. If you keep hearing these over and over, Move On!
--YOU'VE BEEN SEEING HER FOR A WHILE AND HER CONVERSATION IS SHORT WHEN SHE IS WITH YOU (fellas this doesn't count if you've made her mad at you or she may be shy)
--SHE BARELY LAUGHS AT ANY OF YOUR JOKES (but you know you are funnier than Kevin Hart)
This list should help guide you to recognize when it is time to move on. Don't be so quick to trust a big butt and a smile. She could be "POISON". Pay attention to these things as they could save you a lot of time & money. For more info on love & relationships, stay tuned in to GLS
Friday, September 5, 2014
A young lady named Kyra wrote in asking me when is it OK to sleep with a guy that she's dating.
She told me that they've been dating for about a month and so far things are going well. Kyra said that she and her guy talk on the phone everyday and are always texting each other. She also exclaimed that her new beau was very nice to her daughter which gave her an even better feeling about him. Kyra admitted that she's nervous because she doesn't want to do anything that would ruin what she feels they are building. "This is the happiest I've been in a long time", she gushed. She said that they've gone out to dinner a couple of times. One of those dinner dates, she even paid the tab because he said he didn't have any money. He really surprised her though, because when she looked inside her purse later on that evening, she noticed that he had stuck the money for their dinner down in there. She went on to say that he is self employed and seems to have a bright future ahead of him.
My response to Kyra is that every situation is different. Every man is different with a few similarities here and there. When we speak about men we speak in general consensus terms. There is no real foolproof way to say if a woman waits X amount of days to have sex with a man that they will live happily ever after. Some experts say that it doesn't matter if a woman sleeps with a man on the first date; the relationship could still work out. Other experts say that women should definitely wait to sleep with a man because most men will think that she is easy. I, however, believe that if a woman wants to put a time table on it, the best rule of thumb would be to follow Steve Harvey's 90 Day Rule. Steve Harvey's 90 Day Rule says that a woman shouldn't sleep with a man before she's been dating him for at least 90 days. During that time, he will reveal what type of guy he is and his intentions will be clear. If he's looking for a short term fling, he will most likely be ghost by then.
While discussing having sex with men, there is an analogy I like to use with my clients. I call it the diamond ring/wallet rule. I ask the ladies, "If you have a big beautiful expensive diamond ring, would you come home at night and toss it under the bed? "Would you wear it while working in your garden all day?" The ladies look at me as if I'm crazy and yell, "NOOOO!" "I say right!, you would take very good care of it by placing it in a jewelry box or a safe place." ''You would know where your ring is at all times, right?" I continue on to say, "Well ok, men have the same attitude when dealing with their wallet. When I talk about a man's wallet, I am referring to his time & money. Time is money for most men. When a man puts in his time, effort and money with a lady, she is not easily discarded of. He will try to understand her and he will try to make her happy. Why? Because he has spent so much of his Time, so much of his Effort and so much of his MONEY on her. She becomes his diamond ring. A woman needs to make sure that a man invests his time, effort & money in to her
before she sleeps with him. It's just like an expensive car that men go nuts over. He could be caught washing it everyday for the first six months. He gets regular oil changes and by no means can any rider eat, smoke or drink in it. He takes good care of it because he worked countless hours of overtime to buy it. He slept endless nights dreaming about it and days on end daydreaming. He couldn't wait to get his hands around the steering wheel. Well, this is how you want your guy to think of you. The only way to accomplish this is to allow him to invest in you just like he invests in that car. For more info on Investing time in Relationships, stay tuned in to GLS
She told me that they've been dating for about a month and so far things are going well. Kyra said that she and her guy talk on the phone everyday and are always texting each other. She also exclaimed that her new beau was very nice to her daughter which gave her an even better feeling about him. Kyra admitted that she's nervous because she doesn't want to do anything that would ruin what she feels they are building. "This is the happiest I've been in a long time", she gushed. She said that they've gone out to dinner a couple of times. One of those dinner dates, she even paid the tab because he said he didn't have any money. He really surprised her though, because when she looked inside her purse later on that evening, she noticed that he had stuck the money for their dinner down in there. She went on to say that he is self employed and seems to have a bright future ahead of him.
My response to Kyra is that every situation is different. Every man is different with a few similarities here and there. When we speak about men we speak in general consensus terms. There is no real foolproof way to say if a woman waits X amount of days to have sex with a man that they will live happily ever after. Some experts say that it doesn't matter if a woman sleeps with a man on the first date; the relationship could still work out. Other experts say that women should definitely wait to sleep with a man because most men will think that she is easy. I, however, believe that if a woman wants to put a time table on it, the best rule of thumb would be to follow Steve Harvey's 90 Day Rule. Steve Harvey's 90 Day Rule says that a woman shouldn't sleep with a man before she's been dating him for at least 90 days. During that time, he will reveal what type of guy he is and his intentions will be clear. If he's looking for a short term fling, he will most likely be ghost by then.
While discussing having sex with men, there is an analogy I like to use with my clients. I call it the diamond ring/wallet rule. I ask the ladies, "If you have a big beautiful expensive diamond ring, would you come home at night and toss it under the bed? "Would you wear it while working in your garden all day?" The ladies look at me as if I'm crazy and yell, "NOOOO!" "I say right!, you would take very good care of it by placing it in a jewelry box or a safe place." ''You would know where your ring is at all times, right?" I continue on to say, "Well ok, men have the same attitude when dealing with their wallet. When I talk about a man's wallet, I am referring to his time & money. Time is money for most men. When a man puts in his time, effort and money with a lady, she is not easily discarded of. He will try to understand her and he will try to make her happy. Why? Because he has spent so much of his Time, so much of his Effort and so much of his MONEY on her. She becomes his diamond ring. A woman needs to make sure that a man invests his time, effort & money in to her
before she sleeps with him. It's just like an expensive car that men go nuts over. He could be caught washing it everyday for the first six months. He gets regular oil changes and by no means can any rider eat, smoke or drink in it. He takes good care of it because he worked countless hours of overtime to buy it. He slept endless nights dreaming about it and days on end daydreaming. He couldn't wait to get his hands around the steering wheel. Well, this is how you want your guy to think of you. The only way to accomplish this is to allow him to invest in you just like he invests in that car. For more info on Investing time in Relationships, stay tuned in to GLS
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
QUICK SURVIVAL KIT SERIES...PART 5... MEETING MEN... Where to meet men....
We've already discussed how to look, speak and act when meeting men. Now let's talk about where to FIND THEM. Some people say that there are a shortage of good men. Some say that a lot of would be eligible men are incarcerated or gay. Others even joke that the only available men are married. A lot of ladies say the "pickings" are slim nowadays when it comes to finding a good man, but I beg to differ.
Have you ever heard of the saying, "You can't keep doing the same things expecting to get different results. You have to change the things you're doing to get different results". We could utilize this
cliché in regards to where to meet men. If you keep going to the same bars & clubs, and can't meet any good men there, then go hang out at other bars & clubs. Try different types of music and cuisine. Try a Cigar bar or a Hookah lounge if you don't mind the smoke. Try a Spoken word joint if you like poetry. Try a Salsa club if you like to dance.
If you've been going to the same church because your grandmother is one of the founding members of the Missionary Board, your grandfather is the head Senior Deacon, your mom sings in the choir, and your uncle drives the church bus, but there are NO eligible men in attendance, it is nothing wrong with visiting another congregation. Go to a neighboring church's revival or grab your girlfriend to enjoy a gospel concert at a visiting church. Check out Bible class with another parish.
It's not going to cost you your right hand of fellowship at your home church. Remember, we never know where Mr. Right will be.
-Go on exciting vacations with your girlfriends...Men like vacationing too
-Go to Home Depot to take a home improvement class (they are cheap or free)...Men like to fix things
-Go to the auto parts store to pickup a new car freshener...Men work on cars
-Walk your dog on a high traffic street...You will be surprised at how men will pull over to meet you
-Go to an intermural sports event for males of your age range. Basketball,Football, Soccer, Softball.
...Men love playing sports and competing against each other
-Go to a restaurant on game night and sit at the bar...Men love to gather to watch college or
professional sports on TV
-Walk around the Casino and check out the hottest games. If gambling is not your bag, take a seat at the bar to watch the live band perform or stroll around to cheer for other gamers....Men love high stakes
Ladies, the most important tip to remember when attracting men is to smile...smile...smile..
When you smile you are letting a man know that you are approachable. You instantly catch a man's attention when you smile. You will be surprised at the attention you will receive just from smiling. Stay tuned in to GLS for info.
Have you ever heard of the saying, "You can't keep doing the same things expecting to get different results. You have to change the things you're doing to get different results". We could utilize this
cliché in regards to where to meet men. If you keep going to the same bars & clubs, and can't meet any good men there, then go hang out at other bars & clubs. Try different types of music and cuisine. Try a Cigar bar or a Hookah lounge if you don't mind the smoke. Try a Spoken word joint if you like poetry. Try a Salsa club if you like to dance.
If you've been going to the same church because your grandmother is one of the founding members of the Missionary Board, your grandfather is the head Senior Deacon, your mom sings in the choir, and your uncle drives the church bus, but there are NO eligible men in attendance, it is nothing wrong with visiting another congregation. Go to a neighboring church's revival or grab your girlfriend to enjoy a gospel concert at a visiting church. Check out Bible class with another parish.
It's not going to cost you your right hand of fellowship at your home church. Remember, we never know where Mr. Right will be.
-Go on exciting vacations with your girlfriends...Men like vacationing too
-Go to Home Depot to take a home improvement class (they are cheap or free)...Men like to fix things
-Go to the auto parts store to pickup a new car freshener...Men work on cars
-Walk your dog on a high traffic street...You will be surprised at how men will pull over to meet you
-Go to an intermural sports event for males of your age range. Basketball,Football, Soccer, Softball.
...Men love playing sports and competing against each other
-Go to a restaurant on game night and sit at the bar...Men love to gather to watch college or
professional sports on TV
-Walk around the Casino and check out the hottest games. If gambling is not your bag, take a seat at the bar to watch the live band perform or stroll around to cheer for other gamers....Men love high stakes
Ladies, the most important tip to remember when attracting men is to smile...smile...smile..
When you smile you are letting a man know that you are approachable. You instantly catch a man's attention when you smile. You will be surprised at the attention you will receive just from smiling. Stay tuned in to GLS for info.
Monday, September 1, 2014
In the previous chapters we learned that men are visual creatures. They decide what type of women we are by judging our appearance, accompanied with the way we conduct ourselves. We learned how important it is to make a good First Impression because we only get one shot. We learned when a man first sees and meets a woman, he uses a mental checklist to place her into a short term or long term category.
Although men love eye candy, they realize that it is impossible for a woman to have flawless hair, nails and clothing all of the time. Men know that women lead busy lives just as they do. We have jobs, children, hobbies and other obligations that demand are attention. However, to ensure that you make the Best First Impression possible when you meet your Mr. Right, give yourself some winning odds by utilizing the 2 out of 3 Ain't Bad rule. It doesn't matter if you're running up to the corner store or if you are dropping by Home Depot. The 2 out of 3 Ain't Bad rule will keep you prepared for wherever your Mr. Right may be. Again, because it is impossible to look runway crisp at ALL times just remember the odds 2 out of 3. This means that if your hair looks good and your nails are neat but you're wearing your workout clothes because you just left the gym, you still win because 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Hair = win
Nails = win
Outfit = lose
If you have a broken nail and are in need of a fill in, but your outfit is on point and your hair is neat. You are winning again because 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Nails = lose
Outfit = win
Hair = win
Men pay close attention to our appearance, but they are not unreasonable. They realize that bad hair days exist, as well as broken nails and chipped polish. However, they appreciate a good looking, fresh smelling clean woman. This is why the 2 out of 3 rule is so important. Remember you don't have to be a beauty queen. It's not all about that for a man. Men desire women that bring out the MAN in them. It's that 'Thing" that we as woman are born with. We ALL possess it! On the flip side, men watch ladies to see how we conduct ourselves. Being ladylike is ALWAYS in style. Carrying yourself with respect let's a man know how to approach you. Hoodrat talk or "doing hoodrat stuff with your friends" is not acceptable. It is perfectly Ok if a woman is not looking for anything long term with a man. Every woman does not want a long term relationship and I get that BUT just remember that the way she carries herself is what allows it to be HER decision and Not HIS. For more info, Stay tuned in to GLS Part 5 for Where to Meet Men.
Although men love eye candy, they realize that it is impossible for a woman to have flawless hair, nails and clothing all of the time. Men know that women lead busy lives just as they do. We have jobs, children, hobbies and other obligations that demand are attention. However, to ensure that you make the Best First Impression possible when you meet your Mr. Right, give yourself some winning odds by utilizing the 2 out of 3 Ain't Bad rule. It doesn't matter if you're running up to the corner store or if you are dropping by Home Depot. The 2 out of 3 Ain't Bad rule will keep you prepared for wherever your Mr. Right may be. Again, because it is impossible to look runway crisp at ALL times just remember the odds 2 out of 3. This means that if your hair looks good and your nails are neat but you're wearing your workout clothes because you just left the gym, you still win because 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Hair = win
Nails = win
Outfit = lose
If you have a broken nail and are in need of a fill in, but your outfit is on point and your hair is neat. You are winning again because 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Nails = lose
Outfit = win
Hair = win
Men pay close attention to our appearance, but they are not unreasonable. They realize that bad hair days exist, as well as broken nails and chipped polish. However, they appreciate a good looking, fresh smelling clean woman. This is why the 2 out of 3 rule is so important. Remember you don't have to be a beauty queen. It's not all about that for a man. Men desire women that bring out the MAN in them. It's that 'Thing" that we as woman are born with. We ALL possess it! On the flip side, men watch ladies to see how we conduct ourselves. Being ladylike is ALWAYS in style. Carrying yourself with respect let's a man know how to approach you. Hoodrat talk or "doing hoodrat stuff with your friends" is not acceptable. It is perfectly Ok if a woman is not looking for anything long term with a man. Every woman does not want a long term relationship and I get that BUT just remember that the way she carries herself is what allows it to be HER decision and Not HIS. For more info, Stay tuned in to GLS Part 5 for Where to Meet Men.
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