Monday, September 1, 2014


In the previous chapters we learned that men are visual creatures. They decide what type of women we are by judging our appearance, accompanied with the way we conduct ourselves. We learned how important it is to make a good First Impression because we only get one shot. We learned when a man first sees and meets a woman, he uses a mental checklist to place her into a short term or long term category.
 Although men love eye candy, they realize that it is impossible for a woman to have flawless hair, nails and clothing all of the time. Men know that women lead busy lives just as they do. We have jobs, children, hobbies and other obligations that demand are attention. However, to ensure that you make the Best First Impression possible when you meet your Mr. Right, give yourself some winning odds by utilizing the 2 out of 3 Ain't Bad rule. It doesn't matter if you're running up to the corner store or if you are dropping by Home Depot. The 2 out of 3 Ain't Bad rule will keep you prepared for wherever your Mr. Right may be. Again, because it is impossible to look runway crisp at ALL times just remember the odds 2 out of 3. This means that if your hair looks good and your nails are neat but you're wearing your workout clothes because you just left the gym, you still win because 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Hair = win
               Nails = win
               Outfit = lose
If you have a broken nail and are in need of a fill in, but your outfit is on point and your hair is neat. You are winning again because 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Nails = lose
                                                                                    Outfit = win
                                                                                    Hair = win    

Men pay close attention to our appearance, but they are not unreasonable. They realize that bad hair days exist, as well as broken nails and chipped polish. However, they appreciate a good looking, fresh smelling clean woman. This is why the 2 out of 3 rule is so important. Remember you don't have to be a beauty queen. It's not all about that for a man. Men desire women that bring out the MAN in them. It's that 'Thing" that we as woman are born with. We ALL possess it! On the flip side, men watch ladies to see how we conduct ourselves. Being ladylike is ALWAYS in style. Carrying yourself with respect let's a man know how to approach you. Hoodrat talk or "doing hoodrat stuff with your friends" is not acceptable. It is perfectly Ok if a woman is not looking for anything long term with a man. Every woman does not want a long term relationship and I get that BUT just remember that the way she carries herself is what allows it to be HER decision and Not HIS. For more info, Stay tuned in to GLS Part 5 for Where to Meet Men.


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