I'm sure some men are slapping fives and popping bottles to this, but check out what it does to the women. It's a no win situation for them. I know first hand, I experienced it, and this is my story:
His name was Chance. Our families knew each other for many years. The thought of us getting together was never in existence. We both grew older and lost contact with one another. We bumped into each other in the neighborhood and exchanged numbers to catch up. Chance was all grown up now and so was I , but he wasn't my type. At the time I was on the verge of ending a dead end relationship with a womanizer that I had been dating for about a year. Chance was there to hear all about it. He called me everyday just to kick it and I found myself looking forward to his call. I enjoyed his conversations; we never ran out of things to talk about. We had things in common and made plans to make money together. Once, we even talked on the phone for 12 hours straight! It's like he attended class to learn exactly what to say to me. The dude was on point. Needless to say, I ended it with the womanizer and Chance was there to lick my wounds. We were inseparable for two year and I was in love. He was a street guy and was hardly home. He would call and text all the time so it didn't bother me too much. As time progressed he started coming in later and later and stopped answering my calls at night. He would always have some grandiose excuse when he arrived home. I was fed up so late one night I jumped in my car to do some investigating. I rode by his parents house and there was a strange car parked in the driveway. He mentioned that his parents were going out of town for a week and they wanted him to check on their home. I knocked on the door and his brother answered it just to tell me he wasn't there. I didn't buy that so I walked past Bro right up in the house to catch him with a chicken head. I told her that I was his girlfriend and we lived together. We split up for 3 months, but got back together after a bunch of promises for change. We were happy again for a while until his suspicious behavior began again. Then out of the clear blue sky I get a phone call from an acquaintance letting me know that my boyfriend is living a double life yet again with the same girl. We split up once again for another 3 months, only to get back together. This time around it didn't take long for me to find out that not only was my boyfriend still seeing the same girl while he was with me, she was also expecting their child. Here he was living with me, while she was on the other side of town pregnant with his child. She knew about me just like I knew about her but either one of us wanted to leave him. I was devastated when I found out about her pregnancy. I immediately washed my hands of him. I was with him for 2 years before her and I found out about each other. I stayed with him for another 2 years after knowing about his involvement with her.
Instead of me leaving him, I kept asking him why he wouldn't leave her alone for me.
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