Men look at sex as a physical act. They view it as something like a workout, yes, a fun workout. Men can separate feelings (emotion) from sex. It's not that men can't feel emotion. They feel emotion just as women do, but they can control their emotion when it comes to sex. It can be the best sex he's ever experienced, but if he is not emotionally attached to the woman, she will just be noted as a great sex partner. On the flipside, women tend to allow their emotions to run free when it comes sex, especially good sex. More often times than not, if a woman is sleeping with a man, she is in or hoping for a relationship with him. I'm not talking about one night stands or chicks looking to get paid. I'm talking about an average single woman that is regularly sleeping with a man. However, a man can be regularly sleeping with a woman, and she still is nothing but a cool sex partner. This is disheartening for a lot of women because a woman will put her heart and soul into a man and he may never love her the way she is expecting.
If you are sleeping with a man and he knows nothing about you personally, such as your favorite color, your favorite singer, how many sisters and brothers you have or your last name; chances are it's strictly for the booty. If you are sleeping with a guy and he never makes good on taking you out on a real date; chances are it's just for the booty. If you are sleeping with a dude and he is vague about his personal life; chances are it's strictly for the booty. If you are sleeping with a man and he is not interested in who else you're sleeping with; chances are it's just for the booty.
Quite a few women find themselves in relationships like this. A man will not end this relationship. A woman can say all day long, "If you don't love me, please walk away", and the man will be right back in her bed the next night. He may care for the woman, but most times it's not the same way she loves him. This cycle will continue until the woman finally realizes that she is never going to receive the type of love she is looking for from the man or he somehow leaves her for another relationship. Emotional attachment is the key to a lasting loving relationship with a man. Sex is not enough. For more info on sex & love, stay tuned in to GLS
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